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Remember the 3 C’s before Winter

Remember the 3 C's before Winter

We are at the end of September, meaning "Winter will come" is more than just a Game Of Thrones reference. Winter is coming. You've done everything to ensure that your commercial HVAC syste runs smoothly in the summer, keeping your clients, employees, and yourself cool. But what about when it gets cold? Keep in mind the 3Cs: Check, Change, and Clean.
It doesn't matter what season it is; you should change your air filters regularly. Colder temperatures mean that there are fewer chances for open windows and doors. Dirty filters can lead to poor air quality and an increased risk of developing respiratory problems. Air conditioner filters should be replaced every month, no matter how frequently or how infrequently you use them. Air is forced to circulate throughout your business by the fan, regardless of whether or not the AC is turned on. Air that moves eventually becomes dirty, so changing the filter every month is a good idea.
Professional HVAC technicians such as Evercool Heating and Cooling should regularly inspect and change your filters. This is especially important before the cold season officially starts.
Next, “C” is for “Check,” which means check your thermostat. Your indoor heating needs can be affected by many factors, including the outside temperature and the type of machinery used. A thermostat controls this warming. Your thermostat controls more than your heating and cooling and regulates your comfort level and budget. Old thermostats can make you feel uncomfortable and could lead to health problems.
Before your heating starts running almost continuously, check your thermostats and update them if necessary. There are many types of thermostats; some are manual, others are controlled from one place, and others are smart and adjust based on the ambient temperature.
The last “C” stands for clean. HVAC equipment must be cleaned regularly, including the condenser coils. You may notice an increase in energy costs as the temperature drops. You can make your heating system more expensive by not cleaning it. The Airguard, Research, and Technical Center, states that a “moderately dirty coil” increases electricity consumption by 39% for a 3-ton system and 47% for a 5-ton. In a trade magazine article, a Nu-Calgon product manager stated that dirty condenser coils could increase power costs. The ring cannot deliver heat transfer as designed or adequate if it is clogged with dirt and grime. The soil’s insulation effect causes higher discharge pressure. Higher discharge pressure can increase the amp draw and runtime of the compressor while reducing its capacity. Equipment that uses dirty coils can use up to 37% more energy than equipment using clean waves.
This is the best time for an HVAC cleaning for both hygienic and financial reasons. Remember the 3Cs when we enter lower temperatures seasons. “…maintenance is a sensible option from an economic (lower utility bills), ecological (fewer powerplant emissions), comfort and convenience (fewer breakdowns).
Contact Evercool Heating and Cooling today for commercial HVAC maintenance expertise in Springfield, Virginia!